
Learn about the PyMongo integration and how it adds support for connections to MongoDB databases.

The PyMongo integration adds support for PyMongo, the official MongoDB driver.

Install sentry-sdk from PyPI with the pymongo extra:

pip install --upgrade 'sentry-sdk[pymongo]'

If you have the pymongo package in your dependencies, the PyMongo integration will be enabled automatically when you initialize the Sentry SDK.

Configuration should happen as early as possible in your application's lifecycle.

import sentry_sdk

    # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100%
    # of transactions for tracing.
    # Set profiles_sample_rate to 1.0 to profile 100%
    # of sampled transactions.
    # We recommend adjusting this value in production.

import pymongo

def main():
    sentry_sdk.init(...)  # same as above
    client = pymongo.MongoClient(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_PORT)

    db = client["sentry_test_db"]
    collection = db["sentry_test"]

    with sentry_sdk.start_transaction(name="testing_sentry"):
        collection.insert_one({"test": "sentry"})
        collection.find_one({"test": "sentry"})


This will create a transaction called testing_sentry in the Performance section of, and create spans for the database operations.

It takes a couple of moments for the data to appear in

The following information about your MongoDB queries will be available to you on

  • Performance traces for all MongoDB queries
  • Breadcrumbs for all MongoDB queries
  • Personal identifiable information (PII) will be stripped from all MongoDB queries if send_default_pii is disabled in the SDK. (This was tested for PyMongo 4.2 and below, but "should" also be future proof)

MongoDB query details are shown as a waterfall diagram

PyMongo is an official synchronous driver for MongoDB. It means that many other Python libraries interacting with MongoDB use it under the hood, like, for example mongoengine (always) or umongo (if selected from multiple available drivers). Official async MongoDB driver called Motor uses PyMongo under the hood as well. Queries generated by those libraries will also be monitored.

If you use a different driver (for example, TxMongo), this integration won't work.

While mongomock can be used to replace PyMongo in tests, it doesn't implement all features available in the official driver. This integration will not generate any breadcrumbs or spans from mongomock's clients.

  • PyMongo: 3.1+
  • Python: Python 3.6+

The versions above apply for Sentry Python SDK version 2.0+, which drops support for some legacy Python and framework versions. If you're looking to use Sentry with older Python or framework versions, consider using an SDK version from the 1.x major line of releases.

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