GraphQL Java Integration

Learn how to capture exceptions and about the performance of queries executed with GraphQL Java.

Sentry's GraphQL Java integration is provided through:

  • SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler, which checks for exceptions thrown during data fetcher executions and then passes them to SentryInstrumentation.
  • SentryInstrumentation, which creates spans around each data fetcher execution, captures exceptions, and adds breadcrumbs.

Our GraphQL integration can be configured automatically if you're using spring-graphql with either the sentry-spring-boot-starter or the sentry-spring-boot-jakarta-starter integration.

To install use:

plugins {
  id "io.sentry.jvm.gradle" version "4.8.0"

For other dependency managers, check out the central Maven repository.

When building a GraphQL instance:

  • set defaultDataFetcherExceptionHandler to an instance of SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler and pass the delegate that handles the exception to the constructor
  • set instrumentation to an instance of SentryInstrumentation

You may want to filter some of the errors by using beforeSend or an EventProcessor (read more about Filters).

import graphql.GraphQL;
import graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler;
import io.sentry.graphql.SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler;
import io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation;

SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler defaultExceptionHandler = new SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler();
SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler sentryExceptionHandler = new SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler(defaultExceptionHandler);

GraphQL graphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL(...)
    // ...
    .instrumentation(new SentryInstrumentation(
      // If you're not using our Spring integration, please provide NoOpSubscriptionHandler.getInstance() instead.
      new SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler(),
      // Set this to false when using Spring WebMVC

The SentryDataFetcherExceptionHandler has been deprecated. Please upgrade to SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler and make sure SentryInstrumentation is configured to have more exceptions captured, more detailed exceptions, breadcrumbs, and better hub propagation. You may want to filter the errors by using beforeSend or an EventProcessor (read more about Filters).

To be able to capture transactions, you have to first set up tracing.

Spans created around requests can be modified by returning a modified Span, or dropped by returning null, using SentryInstrumentation.BeforeSpanCallback passed to SentryInstrumentation:

import io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation;

import graphql.GraphQL;

GraphQL graphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL()
    // ...
    .instrumentation(new SentryInstrumentation((span, environment, result) -> {
      if ("/shows".equals(environment.getExecutionStepInfo().getPath().segmentToString())) {
        span.setTag("tag-name", "tag-value");
      return span;
    }, new SentrySpringSubscriptionHandler(), true))

Netflix DGS automatically detects and configures Instrumentation and DataFetcherExceptionHandler beans. To use the Sentry GraphQL integration, create SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler and SentryInstrumentation beans:

import io.sentry.graphql.SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler;
import io.sentry.graphql.SentryInstrumentation;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

class SentryConfiguration {

  SentryInstrumentation sentryInstrumentation() {
    return new SentryInstrumentation(new SentryDgsSubscriptionHandler(), true);

  SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler sentryDataFetcherExceptionHandler() {
    // delegate to default Netflix DGS exception handler
    return new SentryGenericDataFetcherExceptionHandler(new DefaultDataFetcherExceptionHandler());
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